Chalke Talk 89: The Judgement of God: What does that Mean?

The judgement of God, and often his followers, is frequently cited as the main reason that turns people away from Christianity. A religion that is meant to be about love, it seems, cannot be about judgement as well.

This is exactly the point that Steve tackles in this week of Chalke Talk. As he puts it the problem comes, largely, to how we've misunderstood Paul. "...In the West, the word judgement has come to carry some very negative overtones, becoming almost synonymous with ‘punishment’. So, over time, we’ve come to understand the core of the bible’s message and Paul’s theology around God’s redemptive action through Christ largely in terms of what has become known as the ‘doctrine of justification."

So how do we get around it?

Steve refers back to previous Chalke Talk's and the wider themes of his book which suggests that "justification" has less to do with our personal abilities and all to do with the faithfulness of Christ.

As Steve puts it: "Rather than 'justification' being about how a particular individual becomes a Christian, it is instead Paul’s way of stating that we ALL now share exactly the same status because of what Christ has done FOR US ALL."

So a question: 
The day of God’s justice – the day when all those denied justice finally win. 
Does that make sense? 
Is that what the world might expect from the God who is named love? you see things differently?

81-95Daniel Chalke