Chalke Talk 82: What’s beyond the 'ABC’s' of Christianity?

In previous episodes, Steve has questioned the centrality of the cross to Christianity. The cross is nothing without redemption, Steve suggests.

And this week is no different when it comes to some of the most misunderstood writings of the Apostle Paul. One of them being, “We preach Christ Crucified.”

The gospel we are often told is as simple as ABC:

Accept God loves you.

Believe that, even though you have sinned and fallen short, Jesus died in your place.

Confess your sins and receive forgiveness.

But as Steve outlines, there's much beyond the ABC's and when we ignore it we ignore the larger meaning of the gospel.

“The cross together with the resurrection is the story of God’s scandalous love, unending mercy rather than of divine anger that somehow must be averted. And I believe that all this REALLY matters.”

So what do you think?

81-95Daniel Chalke