Chalke Talk 80: What is the opposite of God's love?

‘For the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness’ says the apostle Paul in his letter to the church in Rome – chapter one verse 18.

Steve reflects on how this verse, like much of what Paul wrote, has been mischaracterised and come to represent a God that seems more angry and vengeful than they do love.

And as Steve has said in previous episodes, it’s not just that God loves, it’s that love is in their very essence. But isn't got wrathful towards injustice? Is the opposite of love, anger? 

Steve suggests otherwise.

A question for you, as Rabbi Jonathan Sachs put it to Steve:

‘It is perhaps better – and far more accurate – to understand God’s anger as his anguish. A natural a dimension of divine love, but never an emotion held in opposition to it?

61-80Daniel Chalke