Chalke Talk 77: Has the church misunderstood Paul?

This week is the release of Steve’s latest book the Lost Message of Paul! As such, he asks the question in this week’s episode of Chalke Talk that the book is centered around: has the church misunderstood Paul, badly?

In answer to this, he’s already received some questions as to whether this book is meant to be anti-bible or anti-church. Steve responds, as he often has, “that although Paul has so often been presented as the champion of judgment and exclusion – the anti-sex, anti-marriage, anti-women, anti-gay – campaigner – he was the VERY opposite. He was a great includer!” Although that is against the grain of how Paul has often been misrepresented, it’s core to the truth of the gospel, in Steve’s view.

But what do you think? How has your understanding of Paul’s writing influenced your view of the church?

61-80Daniel Chalke